Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Standardized Argument Numero 2

I don't know about this one... I think I may have my therefore statement wrong. Some insight, please?

1. It appears that promoting the English language in the Eastern Districts in an offense.

2. Even the Liberal candidate, Boudria insults Anglophones.
2.a. Puts his campaign ads only in French.

4. Majority of funding goes to the French.
4. a. New flag was put up to celebrate the French.

3. Anglophones are the minority
3. a. We deserve the same rights as the French do when they’re the minority.

5. English people are excluded from government jobs.


6. We deserve the same right of the Francophones.


Unknown said...

Good Job. Your therefore is good.
At 5, i would have wriiten
5. English people are excluded from government jobs in this region.
That is the only thing that I would have changed if I had done this article. :)

CrystalChild said...

Well, you pretty much blew my standardized arguments out of the water. It looks great, but I do agree somewhat with Kim. [Sorry]. :P